Friday, November 30, 2018

I refuse to hand in my rights

                  Many people find the second amendment outdated. Some believe that guns are far too dangerous in the hands of the public. The mere idea that restrictions should be placed on guns is ludicrous.
                  I recognize that school and workplace shootings have been a problem of late, but that should not infringe on our right to protect our homes. When I say protect our homes, I am not talking about from burglars or wildlife. The second amendment is intended to protect us from our government. Should our government turn against us, we have the right and duty to protect ourselves and our families.
                   Many people argue that the second amendment was written a long time ago, and the writers could never have imagined the kinds of weapons that exist today, and that is true. However, it's purpose rings true now more than ever, with tense political climates, and the government's capability to see everything we do, guns should be the last thing we are willing to let go of.
                   As for the school shootings, instead of looking at guns as the problem, we should look at the mental health of our children instead. If someone really wants to hurt people, they will find a way guns or no. As a child of the United States, I will not be disarmed; I will not be defenseless.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fascism In The United States?

                   Ayoub Kajjaj wrote in his editorial, "President Donald Trump is a Subtle Fascist." that the United States seems to be falling into a state of dictatorship. His premise is that Donald Trump's executive order to end birthright citizenship is an example of our county falling to dictatorship. While I do believe president Donald Trump is ignorant of his role in government, and the powers that the constitution grants him, calling him a fascist is a bit extreme.
                   I 100% do not agree with his plan to contradict article 1 of the 14th amendment, but before pointing fingers, and calling people fascists, it is important to approach this from all angles. Donald Trump sees illegal immigration as a serious problem, and it is. As someone from a family who worked hard to come here legally, I feel offended that people come here and disrespect my country by coming here illegally. His proposed executive order only targets those who came unlawfully into the United States. It's not just Donald Trump who found illegal immigration a problem, our previous president Barack Obama also found it an issue. While is method is unorthodox, and frankly not in his power, it is definitely inappropriate to call him a fascist.
                    Lastly, it is unfair to solely point the blame at Trump. Our congress and supreme court are supposed to keep him in check. Congress can stop an executive order with a 2/3rds majority vote and all executive orders are subject to judicial review. In order to fix this broken country, we must look beyond the obvious and fix the root of the problem.
                   While I disagree with many of his points, Kajjaj's editorial was well written, enjoyable to read and contemplate. He chose an issue that is relevant to many people who reside in the U.S. and included a lot of good information that supported his argument.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Roe V. Wade Here To Stay?

          A hot topic for college-age Americans, especially young women, is the controversy of overturning the ruling of the Roe v. Wade court case. The case ruled that it was unconstitutional, and a criminal offense to limit access to abortions.
           With the recent induction of judge Kavanaugh, many fear the standing of Roe v. Wade. There has been a lot of talk about further restricting women's rights to abortion. With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, the over turn of Roe v. Wade seems ever more threatening.
           In the past, there have been strict restrictions on abortion, and in some places, it was even illegal. If history has shown us anything, limiting women to abortions doesn't "save" the fetuses they are all worried about. Instead, it endangers the lives of young women as they go to risky lengths to protect what is theirs, their bodies.
           While many people who are "pro-life" seem to show great concern for the rights for the unborn children of America, they are forgetting about the rights of the women who are shackled to the fetuses they carry. Many women have risked their lives, and even died going through the risky operation of an illegal abortion.
          The truth of the matter is, most people don't get abortions just because they want one, but because they feel they need one. The government has no right to interfere. All they would be dong is needlessly putting young women's lives in danger.