Friday, November 16, 2018

Fascism In The United States?

                   Ayoub Kajjaj wrote in his editorial, "President Donald Trump is a Subtle Fascist." that the United States seems to be falling into a state of dictatorship. His premise is that Donald Trump's executive order to end birthright citizenship is an example of our county falling to dictatorship. While I do believe president Donald Trump is ignorant of his role in government, and the powers that the constitution grants him, calling him a fascist is a bit extreme.
                   I 100% do not agree with his plan to contradict article 1 of the 14th amendment, but before pointing fingers, and calling people fascists, it is important to approach this from all angles. Donald Trump sees illegal immigration as a serious problem, and it is. As someone from a family who worked hard to come here legally, I feel offended that people come here and disrespect my country by coming here illegally. His proposed executive order only targets those who came unlawfully into the United States. It's not just Donald Trump who found illegal immigration a problem, our previous president Barack Obama also found it an issue. While is method is unorthodox, and frankly not in his power, it is definitely inappropriate to call him a fascist.
                    Lastly, it is unfair to solely point the blame at Trump. Our congress and supreme court are supposed to keep him in check. Congress can stop an executive order with a 2/3rds majority vote and all executive orders are subject to judicial review. In order to fix this broken country, we must look beyond the obvious and fix the root of the problem.
                   While I disagree with many of his points, Kajjaj's editorial was well written, enjoyable to read and contemplate. He chose an issue that is relevant to many people who reside in the U.S. and included a lot of good information that supported his argument.

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