Friday, November 30, 2018

I refuse to hand in my rights

                  Many people find the second amendment outdated. Some believe that guns are far too dangerous in the hands of the public. The mere idea that restrictions should be placed on guns is ludicrous.
                  I recognize that school and workplace shootings have been a problem of late, but that should not infringe on our right to protect our homes. When I say protect our homes, I am not talking about from burglars or wildlife. The second amendment is intended to protect us from our government. Should our government turn against us, we have the right and duty to protect ourselves and our families.
                   Many people argue that the second amendment was written a long time ago, and the writers could never have imagined the kinds of weapons that exist today, and that is true. However, it's purpose rings true now more than ever, with tense political climates, and the government's capability to see everything we do, guns should be the last thing we are willing to let go of.
                   As for the school shootings, instead of looking at guns as the problem, we should look at the mental health of our children instead. If someone really wants to hurt people, they will find a way guns or no. As a child of the United States, I will not be disarmed; I will not be defenseless.

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