Saturday, December 15, 2018

Let Roe V. Wade Stand

                In Brendan Hurley's editorial titled "Blog Stage 7," he discusses whether or not abortion should be illegal.  In his article, he compares abortion to murder, which would provide grounds to make abortion illegal. Murder is defined as the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. While I recognize his argument's merit, I don't think that termination of a pregnancy should be considered murder, or punishable.
                There are many situations outside of rape where a woman might need or want an abortion. Sometimes accidents happen, the condom rips, birth control fails, or drunken mistakes were made. The amazing thing about the ruling in the case of Roe v. Wade is that it's no one's business. Women's right to abortions is protected by our right to privacy. From conception to birth, or termination it is not the government's place to decide. 
                 Hurley claims that the first heartbeat makes an embryo a baby. If the embryo is considered a baby at the first heartbeat, which occurs at about 3 weeks after conception, most women wouldn't know they are pregnant before it is too late. Most women don't know they are pregnant until 5-6 weeks into their pregnancy. While I don't believe that people should be allowed to have abortions willy-nilly, it absolutely should not be illegal.
                 The case of Roe V. Wade determined that laws could not make abortion illegal because we have a right to privacy. It isn't about whether abortion is good or evil, it simply isn't within the government's power to decide. Unlike actual murder, no one else is in danger or at risk of having any of their rights to life liberty or pursuit of happiness infringed on when a woman makes the decision not to carry a pregnancy to term. Sometimes it's not a matter of right or wrong it's simply none of your business.

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